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Paper Submission

[For accepted papers online]
Submission of camera ready paper –> Click here
** Updated on 31 August 2017


Quick link to submission system –> Click here

Instruction for Special Session papers –> Click here

Prospective authors are invited to submit either full papers, up to 10 pages in length, or short papers, up to 4 pages in length, where full papers will be for oral presentations and short papers will be mostly for poster presentations. All paper must be written in English. Submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by at least three experts in the field. The conference proceedings of the main conference will be published, available and maintained at the APSIPA website. The proceedings will be indexed by EI Compendex.

When preparing the paper, please ensure that its format follows exactly as the template provided below. Do not put page numbers on your document. Appropriate page numbers will be added to the accepted papers that will be included in the conference proceedings. All papers should be submitted via the Microsoft CMT System.

In case you have not registered in the Microsoft CMT system (you have no Microsoft CMT system account), you should register first – just click the “sign up for an account” link on the login page and fill in the form. The system will send you an e-mail with the instructions how to finish the registration.

Note: Some email servers may “filter out” the emails automatically sent by the Microsoft CMT system. In case you do not receive an email from Microsoft CMT System (it may take some time), try to find it in your “junk” mailbox. Sometimes this does not help and it is necessary to use another email address. (According to our experience, gmail addresses work well.)

In case you forget your username or password of your Microsoft CMT account, follow the link after the words “Reset Password” on the login page.

Submission Deadline: May 31, 2017 30 June 2017 (final)
Paper Templates (for Microsoft Word and LaTeX)

For any inquiry, problem or request related to your submissions, please contact us at apsipa2017[@]

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